Written on 30 November 2020.
„The struggle between the spirit of Babylon and the spirit of Zion is very real today in all spheres of society, be it political, economic or educational.
God is at work to bring about a new reformation that is in line with Zion and deeply rooted in Hebrew thought.
Being deeply involved in Christian Education for more than 30 years, we have experienced the intensity of this spiritual struggle on a daily basis as we work to equip a generation with the mentality of Zion that is in total opposition to the Babylonian mentality."
Manuela Bussière
Written on 01 October 2020.
Written on 04 September 2020.
About the Event
Through the Jewish calendar and the biblical feasts, the Lord provides a deeply meaningful and precious opportunity for both the Jewish people and the body of Christ to humble ourselves before Him - the creator, judge and redeemer. As GPC, we want to invite you to use this opportunity personally as well as in your priestly calling as you reflect – as a representative of the royal priesthood (1 Pet 2,9) - on the relationship between your nation and Israel. In this unique season of world events, let us put these 10 days of awe to effective use in 2020! Let us use this opportunity to reflect, research and repent for our nations as an expression of the global intercessory body of Christ and ask for HIS redemption and forgiveness for the failings of our nations in their relationship with the Jewish people and the nation of Israel - past and present.
In preparation for these upcoming 10 days and this GPC prayer call, we have asked messianic pastor and bible teacher (Jerusalem) Benjamin Berger to explain to us, as Christians who pray for Israel and our own nations, some of the biblical and prophetic significance of the biblical feasts in general and Rosh Hashanah, 10 Days of Awe and Yom Kippur in specific. He closes his teaching with the following words:
“Celebrating the feast of trumpets today in this year 2020 is a year of crisis, it is a crisis that affects us on a global scale. It began with the corona pandemic and the lockdown. It has also brought the world into a very dangerous economic situation but above and beyond all of these things, we are living in a time of a complete moral breakdown, a departure from the faith in Jesus and the further development of globalism which includes the idea of one world religion and which is leading us into the time when the antichrist and the antichrist system will be established as the Bible tells us.
The Spirit of God is calling us as his priestly people to stand before him, clothed in his righteousness and entering into the holy place behind the veil, to intercede and to cry out for mercy for Israel and for the nations. Sin abounds in Israel and sin abounds in the nations. The United States of America, the bastion of western democracy, hangs in the balance. If America should fall so will Europe and other nations. We are standing on the dividing line, let us not deceive ourselves. The angels are sounding the heavenly trumpets, calling the people of God together. Let us not miss this moment of opportunity and of urgency and let us fulfill our priestly calling as we approach “The Feast of Trumpets” and the “Ten Days of Awe!”
For the full article, please click here.
Schedule (subject to change):
ISRAELI TIME (For your regional time you can use the Time Converter).
Saturday, September 19th | 4pm - 6pmRosh haShana
Sunday, September 20th | 4pm - 6pmEurope
Monday, September 21st | 10am - 12pmMiddle East
Tuesday, September 22nd | 3am - 5amChina
Tuesday, September 22nd | 11pm - 1amLatin America
Wendesday, September 23d | 7pm - 9pmNorth AmericaYou are invited to join the meeting: 10 Days of Awe in the OMC. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting.https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMocu2vqzMiEt0UOFF8yh_edh1cuam6nSQO
Friday, September 25th | 11am - 3pmAsia-Pacific
Friday, September 25th | 6pm - 8pmRussia
Sunday, September 27th | 4pm - 6pmAfrica
Monday, September 28th | 11am - 2pmYom Kippur
Harald Eckert (GER)
Rick and Patricia Ridings (IL)
Benjamin Berger (IL)
Clive and Jane Urquhart (UK)
… and Prayer-Leaders from Africa, Asia-Pacific, South-America, Russia, China, Europe and other world-regions.
Live-Stream Information:
For security reasons, this call will not be livestreamed. Please join us in prayer wherever you are as the middle-east is in need of it at this hour.
Technical instructions for translation
We offer translation of the first Session on September 19th and the last Session on September 28th into German and French.
You can watch the livestream on our website and turn down the sound. For the translation on your computer, click on this link and choose your language.
If you want to listen to the translation on your smartphone or tablet, download the LiveVoice App from Google Play or Apple App Store to your mobile device. In the app, enter the number 003 876 to listen. You can connect a few minutes before the conference starts to test your device.
Übersetzung auf Deutsch
Wir bieten eine deutsche Übersetzung für die zwei Hauptveranstaltungen an.
Lassen Sie dazu den Livestream laufen und stellen den Ton dort leiser. Klicken Sie dann für die deutsche Übersetzung auf Ihrem Computer auf diesen Link hier und klicken Sie dort bei der Sprache „Deutsch“ auf Play.
Wenn Sie die Übersetzung über ihr Smartphone oder Tablet anhören wollen, laden Sie die LiveVoice App von Google Play oder Apple App Store auf Ihr mobiles Gerät herunter. In der App geben Sie die Nummer 003 876 ein um zuzuhören. Sie können sich bereits einige Minuten vor der Veranstaltung verbinden, um Ihr Gerät zu testen.
Cooperation with BURN 24/7:
Written on 01 September 2020.
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The work of the Global Prayer Call is financed exclusively through the donations of sponsors, ministries and individuals who identify with and support the vision.
You can donate online with your Credit-Card or through your PayPal account. All donations will be handled by PayPal. You do NOT need a PayPal account for your credit card donation.
to the Global Prayer Call bank account (in EURO):
IBAN: DE29 5206 0410 0005 0271 87SWIFT/BIC: GENODEF1EK1Bank: Evangelische Bank eGReceiver: Global Prayer Call